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At Algomatic, we are working to create a platform that would enable smart investors and traders to leverage latest technology for trading in various crypto currencies and crypto exchanges.
The Algomatic platform provides a intuitive UI for easy and fast onboarding for crypto trading, at the same time minimizing the risk by distribution of assets in various exchanges / coins.
Our state of the Art BOT uses AI based algorithms to analyze and execute orders 24x7 to maximize the probability of Profit. This is done with minimal manual intervention, while you can monitor your accounts in real-time through user friendly interface.

Algorithmic Trading

CRYPTO trading works 24/7, whihc requires BOTS to analyze and take decisions continously without human intervention based on algorythms without getting tired (eliminitating chances of Human Errors).

Access to Multiple Exchanges

Why to risk your hard earned money by trading in single exchange, diversify your investments by simultaneously investing in multiple exchanges.

Minimize risk by diversification

Diversify your investment by trading in multiple currencies and multiple exchanges . Also take advantage of risk minimizing techniques governed by BOT Algorythm.

Customize BOT Configuration

Based on your risk appetite you can customize the BOT attributes for Low, Medium or High Risk/Return configuration.

Register with our supported exchanges

Register for new opportunities today!

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.